Variation: Diurnal, Nocturnal
Evie Crowhurst Evie Crowhurst

Variation: Diurnal, Nocturnal

Over the course of one’s lifetime, humans will walk, on average, 120,000 kilometres. Equate that to a more comprehensible figure and you get 2,496,235 steps every year or 6,839 every day. For an individual these disappear in a series of forgettable daily events; some walks being less memorable than others: to the post office; or rushing home after a 9 to 5. We often walk without consciously considering it as an activity that takes time. My planned outdoor walks allow me to explore a deeper realisation of existence, creating a connection to Earth’s journey synchronised with my own, through imprint and impact. 

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Perfectly Pruned Lawns
Evie Crowhurst Evie Crowhurst

Perfectly Pruned Lawns

'Perfectly pruned lawns' involves psychedelic and uneasy imagery showing two journeys. The physical journey I went on exploring the scientific relationship between walking and mental health, specifically stress and anxiety, finalising in spreading awareness about this. The other journey questioned what a photograph is. It pushes the boundaries of the A4, A3 structure fed to us by money driven corporations trying to box us in, through my experimentation in using mixed media to print. The images are printed on acetate allowing viewers to immerse themselves in the work, going on a journey of their own, provoking emotions people may not always be aware of in their conscious mind.

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